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Boutique Student Accommodation in the Heart of Lisbon

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Bookings for 2025/2026 are open

Welcome to Shelter 10. We are committed to offer you the best student accommodation at affordable prices. All in the very heart of Lisbon.

Rua Gonçalves Crespo, 10
1150-182, Lisboa, Portugal
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Dining Rooms

Photo of a single bed, sunny room

Modern Rooms

Single and double occupancy, offering you  a wealth of comfort and functionality in a generous-sized space.

view from the kitchen showing numbered cabinets, a dining table and a couch in the background

Lively Dining Areas

Your opportunity to share daily experiences and make lasting memories among friends and colleagues.

Photo of a kitchen

Make It Home

Kitchens, bathrooms and dining facilities feature all modern appliances, tailored for the demands of your daily life.

Make the most of your life in Lisbon

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